Agriculture, native trees & seeds
Update on Native Tree Nursery: seedlings are replanted to five schools in Savannah Region
There have been many developments in the Native Tree Nursery Project that we started in April 2020. Peter Donaldson–the Graduate Student from University of Arizona–finished his capstone project in August 2020 having supervised the construction and planting of the nursery in Sawla from afar due to Covid preventing his return. You can see the nursery…
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BREAKING NEWS FROM SAWLA, August 9, 2020 From Peter Donaldson: “Our trees are growing! Four species of native trees have been planted and three have started to germinate. K’Che (Ankye) and Kachuni (Dawa Dawa ) trees started to germinate on August 4 and 3. Our beloved K’Lara (Baobob) germinated on August 9. They will continue…
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Seeds for four trees have been gathered and planted in plastic nursery containers, and will be planted in the ground soon. Some are already germinating! This is Peter Donaldson’s Capstone project for his MA in Human Rights Practice at U of Arizona. He is graduating in two weeks! Thanks to WIACT staff and friends in…
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