NYAηε Palace Redevelopment

As authorized by Savannah Region’s Traditional Council,
WIACT will organize a project to rebuild the historical palace
of the Gonja Paramount Chief at Nyaηε  

Prior to colonization, the historical palace was the site of annual celebrations and tribal conflict resolution

The people of the Savannah region communities met yearly at the Palace where the Paramount Chief hosted celebrations, a large marketplace for trading, and settled disputes that the people brought to him which had resisted local chiefs’ efforts to resolve.  These annual events allowed Gonjas and Savannah people to live in peace.


The Palace was also the setting where representatives of communities speaking over 40 languages
could come together and discuss important issues among tribes and across the region.

Its role in protecting Nature


The Palace also represented the power of the tribes to protect Nature.
When the Palace was destroyed sometime during the Colonial era, tribes’ abilities to uphold
traditional prohibitions against mining, deforestation, and other abuses of natural resources were compromised.

Why Rebuild?

  • It is powerful symbol of revitalization and unity for the newly-established Savannah Region
  • We need a majestic home for our central traditional government
  • All peoples in the region will have a seat/place in a traditional Parliament that can be housed at the Palace
  • The proverbs by which our Traditional Chiefs govern bring peace to the people because everyone understands them.
  • Traditional government serves as the point of entry into Savannah Region’s cultural traditions

The project will include:

•  architectural design and planning
•  establishing funding campaigns to support building in phases so that the annual events can start before the entire development is completed
•   engaging partners who are construction and building trades experts to train locals in the building trades as they build the palace and grounds
The project will provide an alternative to economic migration to Europe, as Ghana and greater Africa are expecting growth in housing & other construction sectors.